Thursday, March 12, 2015

Nightmares (not me)

Time really flies, at 1000km/hr. I'm in school now, last day before I go on leave. I don't know why when I say last day it feels like I am leaving forever =X

And my closest colleague have been on medical leave since yesterday... oh no. as much as I wished she is here, I would rather she rest and recuperate at home.

Somebody is more anxious than me. Hubby says he had 2 nightmares in a row. One was about HIM giving birth (he says because he doesn't have a vagina so the doctor wanted to cut open his... LOL, another one was about me going into labour............................ well that will happen eventually.

Baby, mummy can't wait to meet you... Promise to come on the 30th please?? I got a feeling his head is engaged already..

God has given me victory - 凯 the chinese character for victory, part of baby's name ❤

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