I have heard so many things I should avoid eating, doing, etc.
For the safety of baby, I already stopped using Epiduo (a prescription gel) when I started trying.
But I broke some others, as a lot of these are avoided due to fear or ignorance.
One of the things that I am not suppose to do (according to Internet sources) is... using Salicylic acid. It's one of my favourite skincare ingredient as it helps to prevent acne and normalize skin cell turnover rate. It is also oil soluble, which means it will clean your pores rather than just exfoliating the surface of your skin. It is also available over-the-counter, you don't need to see a doctor to get it. I believe that says a lot already if it is readily available.
Salicylic Acid, or BHA, is also the active ingredient in the drug Aspirin. Basically most tests are done on ingesting Salycilic Acid (aspirin). No tests have been done on topical application of Salicylic acid. But some doctors say it is ok as long as the content does not exceed 2% in the product. Topical application should be fine. Most doctors advised against it only because they would rather be more cautious about it. I know many mothers stop using them but I personally feel it is not a cause for concern. So I used it in peace for the past 7 months.
I think the logic behind it is similar to hair treatments/manicures during pregnancy. I asked a particular gynae who was pregnant herself if i needed to avoid any of these procedures but she said there's no need. She told me everything that we use have chemicals anyway.
I avoid hair treatments simply because I am afraid my hair might not turn out as what I expected due to hormones. For example, your perm might turn out frizzy instead, or does not last. Your rebonding might not be straight. Hair colour might not be true to what you see. I stopped my IPL sessions as well and this is the same reason they told me, it might not be as effective = waste of time/money. One hairstylist I spoke to told me all her pregnant clients had no issues with their hair after those treatments. But for me, I choose to wait because I don't want to risk wasting money if my hair goes haywire!
At the end of the day, it is up to your own discretion and how comfortable you feel about such things. I also strongly believe that pregnant women have the right to look good and no one should ever judge another about their beauty routine.
My mantra is that its better to be more mindful about what I eat instead of what I apply. What I eat goes straight into my body but what I apply can only penetrate so far. But even when it comes to my diet I eat most things in moderation and listen to what I crave for. Its hard for me to stick to healthy food all the time! I believe in giving in to cravings but not over indulging. I also feel that if you are craving you might be lacking something so just trust your body. (though I admit I could have made healthier choices some times)
I will be going for my first manicure session since getting pregnant as Chinese New Year is approaching. Would like to have beautiful long nails before baby arrive! I think I will be sticking to short nails for a long long time after that. Don't want to risk scratching my darling.
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